Things That Seemed Important At The Time
Join composer and pianist Mark Limacher as he discusses music, philosophy, politics, and history, exposing their unexpected intersections in this witty, engaging and highly irreverent podcast. Featuring guest musicians, artists, thinkers, writers and ponderers, Things That Seemed Important At The Time, breathes fresh perspectives into new and highly-exhausted topics alike.
Things That Seemed Important At The Time
The Limacher Notebook - Transit Stigma, with Neighbor Bernard!
Mark Limacher
Season 1
Episode 5
Longtime friend and occasional Unprocessed guest, Neighbor Bernard, "The Unlicensed Attorney", drops by as the de facto Local Correspondent for the show. Tune in as Mark and Bernie try to unpack some of the pervasive 'transit stigma' that exists in the City of Calgary, and what might be done to remedy it.
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